Sunday 11 September 2011

alway ready to listen

Prayer comes easy for me.  Not because I necessarily like talking but because I long to be listened to and understood.  To me praying is like having a conversation with your most trusted friend, it's like seeking counsel from a parent you know will always have the right advise. It's like being mentored through conversation.  It occurred to me just this morning that when I pray, I  feel that God has all the time in the world to listen to me.  I never feel that he has had enough of my serious talk or he is impatient because I'm dialoging about the same things over and over and over again!!  I tend to like deep conversations and am fairly serious.  There are few people in my life that are energized as I am by these conversations.  Few that understand my need to seek right living,  Pursuing a God honoring life is serious business for me, something I don't take lightly.   I realized today that often I feel alone in my journey except when I pray.  In those moments I feel completely understood and valued.   I recognize that prayer is not about me feeling good about me. However it seems to be a byproduct of connecting with God.  As I enter into conversation with God and in the context of feeling absolutely loved, I begin to change.  Change that is not always easy but change that is always good.  It's a mystery and I'm really unable to explain this relational dynamic through words.  I can say though that prayer is a life giving gift.  One that keeps on giving!!

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